Apolo, Dionísio e a tragédia grega no primeiro Nietzsche


  • Maria Caroline Belfante Unesp




Apollonian. Dionysiac. Tragedy. Nietzsche.


The goal of this paper is to comprehend the concepts of the Apollonian and the Dionysian and the importance of the Greek tragedy in the early works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Whilst Apollo is the god of measure, uprightness, dreams and individual limits, Dionysus is the god of wine, dance and music, which is characterized by drunkenness and exaggeration. Apollo and Dionysus are impulses of nature with opposite tendencies but they complement each other in the Greek tragedy, which justifies its existence by the rich understanding of the world it provides. The Greek man is conscious of the world’s sufferings and turn to art as a form of endurance to life. Socrates began to criticize everything that could not be understood by reason and logic causing the Dionysian values downfall and consequently what Nietzsche considers as the death of tragedy.


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Author Biography

Maria Caroline Belfante, Unesp

Graduada e Mestra em Filosofia pela Unesp - Marília. Atualmente é doutoranda em Educação na mesma Universidade.


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