Kant e Berkeley
aproximações e distanciamentos
Berkeley's Idealism, Garve-Feder's Recension, Refutation of IdealismAbstract
Considering that Kant's strategy to refute idealism in the 1781 Critique of Pure Reason consisted in defending that our legitimate knowledge is restricted to representations, the first critical review of this work, published anonymously in 1782, but attributed to Garve and Feder, accuses Kant of being as idealistic as Berkeley. This article aims to establish similarities and, mainly, differences between Kant's transcendental idealism and Berkeley's dogmatic idealism, since the comparison between these modern thinkers has become recurrent throughout the history of philosophy. Therefore, this article is structured from the Prolegomena to All Future Metaphysics, since it is in this 1783 work that Kant answers the questions posed by Garve and Feder.
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