Gueroult e a gênese da substância em Espinosa




Spinoza, Monism, Substance, Attribute, Gueroult


Gueroult analyzes two groups of apparently incompatible propositions and scolia. If in the first eight propositions of the Ethics demonstrated in geometric order, Spinoza speaks of substances made up of one attribute, in the subsequent propositions he states that there is only one substance made up of infinite attributes. In the Ethics, the formulation of monism confirms Spinoza's adherence to the geometric method enunciated in the title of the work, because he uses the reasoning that goes from simple elements to the complex whole and because it applies to nature the formula that Spinoza would have already used in the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect to speak of the genesis of the sphere.


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Author Biography

Marcio Francisco Teixeira Oliveira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Doutor em Filosofia (PPGFIL-UERJ), Professor Adjunto no Departamento de Estudos da Subjetividade e da Formação Humana (DESF-EDU-UERJ)


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