A divisão de juízos na Crítica da Razão Pura, de Kant


  • Cristóvão Atilio Viero Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia.




distinction of judgments, Critic of Pure Reason, Two Dogmas of Empiricism


We can find in Kant's thought, especially in his work Critic of Pure Reason, some fundamental aspects for the guidelines of philosophy in later times. Under the perspective of a critic philosophy, searching by the conditions of possibility of all human knowledge, the philosopher makes an analysis of the conditions without which is impossible for us to know reality, talk about objects and make distinctions between possible and impossible knowledge. To identify some of these marks, we choose, in the present text, to briefly study the theme so cogent in the kantian philosophy: the analytic/synthetic distinction. After we analyse and seek to identify the strategies used by Kant in his critical work, we will pass to point out some implications, that this critic attitude of Kant leads, especially since the perspective of the Analytic Philosophy in the XIX and XX centuries, until the refuse of these separation supported by Quine in Two Dogmas of Empiricism.


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